
Showing posts from October, 2022

Childless Mother

There are two national causes that is recognized during the month of October that are near and dear to my heart. The first is Breast Cancer Awareness and the second is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss. Of course, Breast Cancer Awareness month is important to me especially since my mother is a breast cancer survivor. But many do not know that National Pregnancy and Infant Loss is equally important.    In December 2007, I conceived a child. I was happy, nervous and scared all at the same time. This would be my parents first grandchild. I knew this child would be special and greatly loved. And another thing I knew, he or she would be very spoiled. For as long as I could remember I always saw myself being a mother and here it was the chance to make that dream come true. Now I have to say that the fear came in from three things: how my parents would react, what would be the perception of me being an unwed mother and how was this experience gonna feel. I knew within the first week that I w


Have you ever stopped and watched ants as they are going about their daily work? You have scouts who are responsible for going out and searching for food. You have worker ants that help maintain the daily living of the colonies. Their priorities are simple: protect and care for the queen, defend the colony and to expand their species by creating new colonies. You see the scouts return to the colony once a food source has been discovered. They communicate with other ants of what they found and lead them to the source. You will often see them on a path, following one after another to collect the prize. Once they begin gathering the food, you will observe another line heading back to the colony. Now this is where things can get a little bit tricky. Sometimes the ants can have certain obstacles placed in their way, but they seek out an alternate route in order to continue their mission. Yes, they may lose some members along the way, but they still manage to get the job done.    How does th

Hopes and Dreams Deferred

  Normal? What is normal? Merriam-Webster defines normal as “conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern: characterized by that which is considered usual, typical, or routine.” According to this definition, my life has been anything but normal according to societies standards. To be honest, I feel as though my “normal” has been downright screwed up.     Yes, I grew up in a two-parent home. Yes, they were together until death did, they part. But what is normal about growing up in small town Alabama being the eldest and only daughter of one of the town’s local undertakers? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! The only thing normal that I did do was grow up, go to school, and get the hell out of town. Well, that was until I came back. But that's a story for another day.   Some aspects of my life were fun growing up in a funeral home, some were creepy, some were pathetic, and some were downright sad. If by chance I had the opportunity to go back and change much of my childhood years, I would mos


  Most modern women have disgusting standards…-Kevin Samuels   To think Kevin Samuels managed to conger up a following of around 800,000 people looking for relationship advise, shocks to their egos, validation, and any of the other feelings one may develop about themselves, and their self-esteems ignited by his radical comments. He would have led you to believe that standards were not necessary or the ones you had established for yourself were ridiculous at best. His idea of an ideal woman was a female with the perfect petite figure, perfect skin, a big butt, hair laid, and a smile that could light up a room. She was also submissive almost to her detriment because she would not think for herself or expected not to question her man. I am sorry, but I really do not personally know a woman that fit that description. If you did not fit in this category, then you were not good enough for the good looking, clean-cut man. You were not on point for the man that had a fat bank account and a div